Resource Roundup: All Saints’ Day

All Saints’ Day is such a wonderful feast day to celebrate with children! On November 1st, we remember those who are in heaven and lead us by their holy example. Read below to discover some new ideas for celebrating All Saints’ Day in your classroom this year! All Saints’ Day Facts and Prayer Activities This […]
How to Use Easy Readers in the Catholic Classroom

Do you wish you could teach your religion curriculum more throughout your day? In early childhood classrooms, easy readers are a simple way to revisit Catholic concepts throughout your week while working on literacy, fine motor skills, and even math skills at the same time! Below is a sample schedule to show how you can […]
3 Reasons to Teach a Monthly Saint Study this Year

Students love learning about Catholic saints, especially ones they can relate to. Keep reading to discover the top 3 reasons you should be teaching a monthly Saint study this year! A saint study benefits students in many different ways, both spiritually and academically. Read below to find out why you should consider adding a monthly […]
Baptism Activities for Catholic Kids

Baptism is one of the core beliefs of our Christian faith. Keep reading for Baptism activities for Catholic kids to help your students understand both the significance of the sacrament and facts about it. 1 ) God’s Family Tree Help students make the connection that Baptism brings us into the family of God by relating […]
5 Interactive Play Ideas for the Catholic Classroom

Are you looking for ways to make your catechism class more fun and engaging through interactive play? Incorporating the senses and your students’ love of games is a guaranteed way to plan a lesson that they will learn from and remember. Check out the list below for some interactive play ideas for the Catholic classroom […]
Teaching Children About Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

What better way to honor Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s legacy of service than by teaching children about her life and how we can emulate her love of Christ in our own lives? On September 5th, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, one of the most beloved saints of the […]
5 Catholic Schools Week Activities for Visitor Days

Does your school have special days during Catholic Schools Week when visitors spend time in your classroom? Whether it’s parents, grandparents, or prospective families, make your time less stressful by planning an engaging activity that will keep everyone involved using these 5 Catholic Schools Week ideas for visitor days! 1) Create a Family Tree Utilize […]
7 Tips for Creating a Catholic Prayer Table in the Classroom

Have you ever taken the time to set up a beautiful Catholic prayer table at the beginning of the year, only to see your students walk past it each day without engaging? Check out the following 7 tips for creating a prayer space that children will utilize and explore throughout the year! #1 Find the […]
Picture Books for Teaching Gratitude

Ever heard yourself saying “Be thankful!” to your students? Did that instill a sense of gratitude in their hearts? Probably not, right? Children learn in many different ways. When teaching virtues, with the hope of instilling those virtues in them, stories are a great place to start. It’s so important to encourage gratitude in both […]